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Linhas Críticas
versão On-line ISSN 1981-0431
VIANA, Cleide Maria Quevedo Quixadá. A relação orientador-orientando na pós-graduação stricto sensu. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2008, vol.14, n.26, pp.93-109. ISSN 1981-0431.
This paper analyzes the relationship advisor-advisee and its implications on academic production from the point of view of advisors. It takes into account the didactic-pedagogical and dialogical-affective challenges of this relationship in the field of teacher training, of the relation between work and education and its reflex on the advisor’s work in graduate studies. It is part of a post-doctorate survey conducted with professors of the University of Brasília’s (UnB) Graduate Studies Program in Education, whose candidates presented their dissertations in the years 2005 and 2006. It indicates that emotional, professional, theoretical-methodological and institutional issues have an influence on this relationship. We hope this study can contribute to stimulate the debate about the advisory process in graduate studies.
Palavras-chave : Graduate Studies; Relationship Advisor-Advisee; Academic Work.