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vol.15 issue29Nós e os outros animais: especismo, veganismo e educação ambientalÉ possível construir a docência universitária? author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Linhas Críticas

On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


NOVICKI, Victor. Educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável ou sociedades sustentáveis?. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.29, pp.215-232. ISSN 1981-0431.

Sustainable development or sustainable societies can be reached by the adoption of different education conceptions to gain legitimacy from society about what to produce, for whom and how. This article aims to analyze the concepts of education advocated in international events, emphasizing the categories of ‘consciousness’ and ‘participation’ as dimensions of “praxis” and indicators of an emancipating Environmental Education. We understand that three international conferences (Stockholm, Rio-92, Johannesburg) aimed for consensus on the feasibility of a “sustainable capitalism”, proposing market solutions and a conservationist and conservative education of class society. In different ways, Tbilisi and the Environmental Education Convention for Sustainable Societies identified in the social capitalist relations the core of social and environmental issues and defended an emancipating education that contributes towards Man perceiving himself and acting as a product and a producer of society and the environment, which presumes a “democratic capitalism” as a step to build sustainable societies.

Keywords : Environmental Education; Sustainable Development; Sustainable Societies; Environmental Consciousness; Social Participation.

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