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vol.15 issue29A língua portuguesa na escola ontem e hojeCultura e instituição escolar: os processos de dominação e a organização, a gestão e as práticas docentes author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Linhas Críticas

On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


OLIVEIRA, Maria Izete de. Fatores psico-sociais e pedagógicos da indisciplina: da infância à adolescência. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2009, vol.15, n.29, pp.289-305. ISSN 1981-0431.

This paper brings to light the discussion of a topic that, since a few decades, is interfering in a negative way in the pedagogical practice of education professionals, thus causing conflicts not only in the teacher-student relationship, but in relationships within the institutions as well. We first briefly discuss the concept of discipline and indiscipline defending a democratic posture on the part of teacher and involvement of the student. Secondly, we deal with some pedagogical and psycho-social factors that interfere in child behavior and that eventually culminate in indiscipline in the classroom and at school; at the same time, we present some proposals for prevention and control of indiscipline.

Keywords : Indiscipline; Psycho-Social Factors; Pedagogical Factors.

        · abstract in Portuguese | French | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )