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Linhas Críticas
versión On-line ISSN 1981-0431
BAZONI, Jane Ester da Silva y OLIVEIRA, Francismara Neves de. The imports of not learning in the learning support room: resilience in process. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2015, vol.21, n.44, pp.219-245. ISSN 1981-0431.
The Bronfenbrenner bioecological approach was adopted as a theoretical-methodological contribution in this study, the aim of which is to analyze possible interrelationships between two microsystems - family and school, concerning how not learning is understood in the Learning Support Room (LSR). The locus of this research is a public school in Londrina, Parana, Brazil. The study included 36 subjects, thus distributed: thirteen students, thirteen representatives of families (one from each family), three educators, two teachers from the learning support room, and five from the regular classroom. We adopted a qualitative research approach, descriptive in nature, in the case study modality. As a data collection tool, we utilized systematic observation: (twelve meetings held once a week for three months) and semi-structured interviews of participants. The study involved analysis of the school and family microsystems, highlighting possible intersections between them in the signification of not learning, considering that, imports are permeated by risk and protection mechanisms. Our results indicated the importance of giving voice to the protagonists of the microsystems on which the learning support room is anchored, in order to understand how the learning process of these students is permeated by interactions that promote meanings of life experiences. The data invite us to recognize that not learning constitutes a risk in face of which protective factors and resilience can be manifested.
Palabras clave : Education; Resilience; Not Learning; Meaning; Bioecological Theory..