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Linhas Críticas

Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


CAVATON, Maria Fernanda Farah. Private speech in school writen activities. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2017, vol.23, n.51, pp.449-472. ISSN 1981-0431.

The aim of this paper is to investigate the private speech used by four children aged six while spelling words in free written activities. The self-organizing function of this speech is based on Vygotisky’s theory that discusses the link between thought and speech. In a qualitative-quantitative research approach, we analyzed three individual sessions with each child recorded in video, noting the frequency use of this speech and analyzing each writing process. The results showed the construction of writing as a process mediated by the written relationship and private speech. Two children spoke more and produced more, the other two being one already literate and another little produced. The egocentric speech of repeating letter sounds favors phonemic awareness and the memory search for the word to be written. Therefore, speech plays important role in school activities.

Keywords : Child Development; Private Speech; Thinking; Reading; Writing.

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