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vol.25A Política Cultural dos Livros Didáticos de Matemática: um guia para transformar estudantes em cidadãos neoliberais author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Linhas Críticas

Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


SANTOS, Maria Bethânia Sardeiro dos  and  ALMOULOUD, Saddo Ag. O estudo do limite de uma função: O que disseram os alunos?. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2019, vol.25, e21852.  Epub Feb 27, 2019. ISSN 1981-0431.

This article presents part of the results obtained in a doctoral research that had as objective to bring new reflections related to the concept of limit of a function. There are a large number of research works with different approaches and methodologies that seek to discover the reasons for the widespread failure of students in the discipline of Differential and Integral Calculus. But there are still few who work on the college student's look at this difficulty. We will present in this text, specifically, the data of the students regarding the concept of limit with the hope that they can sensitize the teachers who teach this discipline.

Keywords : Limit; Perception of the university professor; Difficulty; Learning.

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