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Linhas Críticas

Print version ISSN 1516-4896On-line version ISSN 1981-0431


CORROCHANO, Maria Carla  and  LACZYNSKI, Patricia. Youth collectives in the peripheries: work and engagement in times of crisis. Linhas Críticas [online]. 2021, vol.27, e36720.  Epub May 20, 2021. ISSN 1981-0431.

In the context of an intense crisis in Brazil and in the world, the deterioration of labor markets is deepening, severely affecting young people living in urban peripheries. The construction of alternatives for the generation of work and income becomes part of the agenda of the youth groups. The article presents the initial results of qualitative research carried out with young people from these groups, showing changes in perception in relation to their own work and different possibilities of engagement in the demand for this right.

Keywords : Youth groups; Political participation; Work; Pandemic; São Paulo.

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