Serviços Personalizados
Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
versão On-line ISSN 1981-1969
OLIVEIRA, Regina Tereza Cestari de e CONDE, Evelyn Iris Leite Morales. Democratic management of education: tensions in the law drawing process in a city in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2020, vol.14, e74218. Epub 01-Dez-2021. ISSN 1981-1969.
This article presents research results in the context of educational policies and planning and addresses the standardization of democratic management of education in line with article, of June 25, 2014, which approves the Plano Nacional de Educação 2014-2024 (The National Education Plan Law n. 13005/2014). A city was elected, located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) to apprehend the movement of the real. Based on documentary research, it is observed that the process of construction of the proposal comes from the Executive Branch, through a Commission instituted by the Municipal Secretary of Education, with representatives of the political society and organizations representing civil society. After a public hearing and processing of the Bill in the City Council of Campo Grande - MS, the approved legislation deals with the precepts of democratic management, confirms the school council, as a collegiate body, with participation in decision-making, and defines the election, by means of a direct, secret and equal vote, as the only criterion for the position of directors and deputy directors in the Municipal Education Network. Thus, there is a rupture with the political indication, which was in effect until that moment. This is a historical claim by educators, which permeated the process of drafting the Law, defended by the Union of the category for all the units.
Palavras-chave : Educational policy; Democratic management; Municipal Education Plan; Municipal Law.