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Jornal de Políticas Educacionais

versión On-line ISSN 1981-1969


MARTINIS, Pablo López. Strategic philanthropy and education. Notes from a reference to a case in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2021, vol.15, e82647.  Epub 01-Dic-2021. ISSN 1981-1969.

The text addresses a specific form of intervention of the private business sector in education: the financing of educational experiences. Based on the global processes described by Ball (2014) consisting in the dismantling of the responsibility of national states for the development of public education and its substitution by alternatives based on market logics, the text describes forms of strategic philanthropy in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. Based on the modality of "special donations" existing in Uruguay, by means of which the financing of educational projects by companies is encouraged through tax exemptions, the analysis focuses on the company that donates the largest amount of resources in Uruguay: Tenaris Global Services. The structure of promotion of educational projects set up by this company is described, initially showing its activities in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. From the analysis of this case, it can be seen how the private company articulates initiatives ranging from cooperation with foundations located in the private sector to municipal education secretariats. As a whole, the paper is intended as an introduction to a set of studies under development on the expansion of market solutions to the problems of public education and their link with forms of strategic philanthropy.

Palabras clave : privatization; strategic philanthropy; Tenaris Global Services; public education.

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