Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
On-line version ISSN 1981-1969
LUMERTZ, Juliana Selau. The Aprende Brasil Teaching System and the privatization process in education. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2021, vol.15, e80482. Epub Dec 01, 2021. ISSN 1981-1969.
This article aims to discuss the entry of the private sector in education and how it redefines the public sector intervening in educational policies and practices. It will be presented the public-private relation between the Aprende Brasil Teaching System (SEAB) of the Positive Group and the Municipal Education Department of Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul State, debating privatization processes. Social policies are strongly affected by neo-liberal policies and then the privatization processes are consolidated. In education they appear with different outlines: as a public-private partnership with the teaching network or directly among schools, in which private iniciative assumes responsibility for the management and/or pedagogical sector of school. They can also sell educational services and technologies for public schools, providing content proposal and implementation for public sector. The privatistic logic implies retrocession for the democracy in the public education. Therefore, the school´s role is of fundamental importance to the construction of a democratic society. The Positive Group´s Aprende Brasil Teaching System, in Gravataí/RS, is an example of it. The school curriculum is now defined by the handout teaching system in which the municipality pays to acquire it.
Keywords : privatization; neoliberalism; education.