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Jornal de Políticas Educacionais

versión On-line ISSN 1981-1969


GHELLERE, Francielle de Camargo; FERNANDES, Maria Nilvane  y  SOUZA, Silvana Aparecida de. Structure and functioning of basic education: a comparative study between Brazil and Cuba. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2021, vol.15, e83119.  Epub 09-Abr-2022. ISSN 1981-1969.

The article aims to discuss elements of the structure and functioning of basic education in Brazil and Cuba. Therefore, the bibliographical study and the comparative methodology guided the descriptive and exploratory research that seeks to understand Cuban education. In this aspect, the study problematizes and analyzes the administrative and pedagogical organization of the respective countries, because our hypothesis is that the organizational forms of school management express the ongoing transformations in contemporary society, as the educational system reproduces the material conditions of society. Thus, three main elements of the organizational structure and functioning of the educational system are distinguished: a) rules and regulatory devices; b) sponsoring entities; and, c) organization and management of the school. The article begins by presenting the structure and functioning of Cuban education; then the structure and functioning of Brazilian education; and, finally, it analyzes and discusses the results, in which it is concluded that, while Cuba has a State that meets the interests and social well-being of the community with all the difficulties that the economic estoppel brings to the country, there is a universalization of the rights of citizens. citizens, while in Brazil, the significant cuts in public funds will hardly allow an advance in the educational quality of the country.

Palabras clave : Cuba; Basic Education; Structure and functioning of education.

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