Serviços Personalizados
Jornal de Políticas Educacionais
versão On-line ISSN 1981-1969
SANTOS, Ana Lucia Felix dos; ARAUJO, Alexandre Viana; MELO, Danila Vieira de e NASCIMENTO, Kysy Taysa Ferreira do. Educational assessment policy in Pernambuco and the influence of IDEPE. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2022, vol.16, e83258. Epub 30-Maio-2023. ISSN 1981-1969.
Taking the educational evaluation and synthetic indicators as focus, the present text is the result of a research carried out in the state of Pernambuco (PE) whose educational policy articulates the evaluation of the student, goals for schools, based on the Education Development Index of Pernambuco – IDEPE, and Educational Development Bonuses (BDE). The study aimed to analyze the discourse of teachers and managers who work in state schools about the influences of IDEPE in school every day. The results revealed that, in the case of a policy involving a synthetic indicator, PE presents a specific scenario since the subjects start to work in function of the results of the IDEPE and the receipt of the BDE. In addition to pointing out trends, the Index acts directly in the daily life of schools with objective consequences (receiving or not from DBE) and subjective (feelings of success/failure by the subjects, competition, meritocracy).
Palavras-chave : Educational Politics; Educational Evaluation; Education Development Index of Pernambuco.