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vol.17Jovem de Futuro Program: conditions of offer, implications and consequences for the Human Right to EducationPrivatization of education in the context of financialization of the economy: the induction of private educational offer by investment funds author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Jornal de Políticas Educacionais

On-line version ISSN 1981-1969


SOUZA, Antônio Lisboa L.  and  SILVA, Andréia Ferreira da. The operation of Natura Institute in brazilian public basic education: dimensions and implications for the right to education. J. Pol. Educ-s [online]. 2023, vol.17, e87957.  Epub Oct 11, 2023. ISSN 1981-1969.

This article had the purpose of characterizing and analyzing the performance of the Natura Institute in different state public education networks in the country, highlighting the main dimensions of school education on which there is a greater incidence. Furthermore, it points out some implications of the presence of this private school actor in public education. On the one hand, we adopted the perspective of the human right to education, as established in the legal frameworks in force in the country with re-democratization since 1988. On the other hand, the criticism of the growing privatization of policy of Brazilian public education, especially of the basic education, whose strategies compose the neoliberal guidelines present in the State and the governments of turning, in the different administrative spheres. Then, we emphasized the contradictions of the historical movement, and the commitment of democratic spaces and processes in institutional and social life, directly and simultaneously reaching relevant dimensions of the right to education. This article was based on systematic data according to “Analysis of the mapping of privatization strategies for basic education in brazil: agents, programs, and consequences for public education (2005-2018)” carried out by GREPPE/Unicamp. This Institute was established in 201O, and it represents the parts of the private actors with the better influence on public education policies in the country. It strongly contributes to the hegemonic construction of the privatization perspective, neoliberalism typically. The article concludes that these privatization practices have compromised democratic school management and participatory processes, consequently leading to the emptying of collegiate deliberative bodies, which is presupposed both in the social definition of what is meant by quality in education and in the realization of a school pedagogy that seeks a dialogical and emancipatory formation of the subjects.

Keywords : Natura Institute; basic education; privatization; hegemonic; right to education.

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