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vol.34 número01Crítica à moral e educação: sobre o espírito livre de NietzscheLeitura em livros didáticos: a argumentação em questão índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 1981-2582


MAUES, Olgaíses Cabral. A política da OCDE para a educação e a formação docente. A nova regulação?. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2011, vol.34, n.01, pp.75-85. ISSN 1981-2582.

The text socializes the result of the analysis of documents elaborated by OCDE, searching to identify the conception of education and of teacher’s formation that this institution defends. The choice of OCDE, as a reference of analysis about the theme of teacher’s formation, is linked to the role that this organization plays in relation to the education, what has been manifested through documents, the release of research reports and the “advisory” offered to the member countries and to others. The OCDE supports that the education plays a key role to the economic growth and emphasizes the importance of the teacher to the quality of teaching.

Palabras clave : International Organization; Teacher’s Education; Educational Politics.

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