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versión On-line ISSN 1981-2582
MIRANDA, José Valdinei Albuquerque y COSTA, Gilcilene Dias da. Reconfigurações do saber científico e implicações para o ensino superior. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2014, vol.37, n.02, pp.288-296. ISSN 1981-2582.
ABSTRACT: The text discusses the context of crisis of legislators of modern science metanarrative and its implications for higher education institutions in terms of teaching, research and teacher training curricula. Following the clues left by Jean-François Lyotard, in his work The postmodern condition (2000), the study discusses the process of introduction of technical mechanisms in the Brazilian educational system for making a “scientistic” model of knowledge and determines the profile “neotecnicista” training. The analyses converge with lyotardiana criticism and pointed out the inadequacy of modern metanarratives on the coexistence of multiple discourses, practices and rationalities that permeate the space of social life and the institutional field of education and the curriculum. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of integrative theoretical dimensions, political and sociocultural in curricula of teacher-researchers in higher education.
Palabras clave : Curriculum; Training; Higher Education.