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vol.41 número1A hermenêutica enquanto diálogo vivo: contribuições para o campo da pesquisa educacional índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0101-465Xversão On-line ISSN 1981-2582


LEITE, Vania Finholdt Angelo  e  FONTOURA, Helena do Amaral. Partnership between university and basic school: forming a community of practice?. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2018, vol.41, n.1, pp.154-162. ISSN 1981-2582.

The aim is to reflect on the possibilities contained in the university-basic school partnership, with the axes of teacher training and supervised practice. The concept of community of practice (LAVE; WENGER, 1991) was used to analyze the two supervised training situations. We found that there was the formation of a community of practice, because teachers engaged in literacy issues and indiscipline. They made plans, reading and writing activities and sought the potential of students. They acquired a shared repertoire of routines and activities for literacy, shared responsibility for teaching and learning, as well as ways to solve classroom problems.

Palavras-chave : Supervised Practice; Teacher Training; University - Basic School.

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