Print version ISSN 0101-465XOn-line version ISSN 1981-2582
ROSA, Dorisnei Jornada da and FERRARI, Andrea Gabriela. The between methodology, the educator and the advisor in the prevention of autism. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2020, vol.43, n.3, e32459. ISSN 1981-2582.
This article is about the importance of the ‘In-Between’ Methodology, by Homi Bhabha (1998), utilized in a master’s research. The point is to reflect on the effects of a transdisciplinary intervention in prevention of autism, based on the experience of educators and Advisors in Early Education in the field of early childhood education. Therefore, the results of a research will be used; Said research was conducted with two children, from zero to three years old, and their teachers, being constituted in four periods: The creation of the EP/PI/SMED accessory, the detection of signs of autism in babies, the psychoanalytic evaluation of these three-year-old children and writing down the results. The results indicate that there were changes in educators’ discursive position, producing not only educational, but also structuring and therapeutic effects, allowing the exit of the risk of autism and the resumption of the constitutive psychic processes in the two children.
Keywords : ‘in-between’ methodology; psychoanalysis; child education; accessory; autism.