Print version ISSN 0101-465XOn-line version ISSN 1981-2582
AUGSBURGER, Luiz Guilherme and RIBEIRO SANTOS, Tiago. Educate by the shadow: contemporary and education from a Jan Lievens’ painting. Educação. Porto Alegre [online]. 2021, vol.44, n.3, e33992. Epub Apr 29, 2024. ISSN 1981-2582.
This essay analyzes a Jan Lievens’ (1607-1674) painting, which portrays a boy in an atelier, with the purpose of discussing the "contemporaneity" – in the perspective of Giorgio Agamben – of an education that makes use of the "shadow" as an educational power. The atelier is understood here as a dynamic and formative space marked by (a) the "use of things", opposing the "consumption of things" and (b) by a margin of "shadow" capable of make tension to light as its opposite. The painting, concentrating these distinctive features, allows us to conceive a game in which "shadow" and "light" make up a cooperative relationship that in educational terms leads to the positivation of a (non-stigmatizing) "marginality", "unfinished" and the "opening" – to creation – as components of human formation.
Keywords : contemporaneity; philosophy of education; Jan Lievens; educational technology.