Revista Diálogo Educacional
Print version ISSN 1518-3483On-line version ISSN 1981-416X
SA, Helena and SILVA, Marco. Mediação docente e desenho didático: uma articulação complexa na educação online. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2013, vol.13, n.38, pp.139-159. ISSN 1981-416X.
This article is the result of a study carried out to investigate the process involved in the development of the didactic design and teaching for the online course “Teacher Education for Online Teaching”, which formed the basis of inter-institutional research in the Moodle virtual learning environment involving researchers from 11 Brazilian and one Portuguese graduate programs. Morin’s “complex thinking” (2007) formed the theoretical basis for a discussion of: a) online education as a cybercultural phenomenon; b) interactivity as a communicational paradigm in the mediation of learning in online courses; and c) didactic design as hypertextual dynamics at interfaces. The investigations were qualitative and involved a case study and document analysis. The results indicate that teacher mediation and didactic design in online courses presuppose recursion and a specific set of commitments: a) clarifying and putting into effect the activities intended for students and made available over the internet; b) ensuring interactivity at the communication and content interfaces in the virtual learning environment; c) developing activities and content in different languages; d) achieving a balance between the number of activities and the time available for them; e) promoting learner digital and cybercultural inclusion; and f) ensuring that activities that require advanced technical resources are compatible with the digital facilities available to learners. Putting these commitments into practice helps to improve the quality of the relationship between didactic design and teacher mediation in internet-based courses, as well as the quality of teacher education for learning mediation in online education.
Keywords : Cyberculture; Online Education; Teacher education; Interactivity.