Revista Diálogo Educacional
Print version ISSN 1518-3483On-line version ISSN 1981-416X
PEREIRA, Karina Ávila and RAUGUST, Mayara Bataglin. Implications on structuring Brazilian sign language discipline in teacher training courses. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.67, pp.1938-1966. Epub Dec 31, 2020. ISSN 1981-416X.
This article aims to problematize the discursive practices among them, the laws that govern the discipline of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and the demands of the deaf community for changes in the structuring of this discipline, which constitute themselves as truths, constituting and legitimizing the teaching of Libras as a second language in higher education. It is interested in providing opportunities for reflections on the structuring of the Libras discipline in Higher Education Institutions in Rio Grande do Sul. The theoretical contribution relies on the main current academic research in the area of teaching Libras as a second language, such as Santos and Klein (2015), Nascimento and Sofiato (2016) and Mélo (2019). The research has a qualitative character, through the collection of data taken from the menus and teaching plans of the Libras discipline from these institutions. It was made a detailed search cataloging, categorization and analysis of the mentioned documents, aiming to find some recurrences about the structuring of Libras discipline. This text problematizes three aspects of them: the little workload destined to the discipline and the excess of content to be taught in this discipline; the prioritization of contents considered practical over the theorization of the discipline and; the generalization of content in the different undergraduate courses. It is possible to conclude that a reordering of the discipline is still urgent as a result of discussions with broader scope, including Libras teachers, course coordinators and academic management. At the end of this article it is possible to conclude that there is a need for a restructuring of Libras discipline, so that it focuses on the skills of expression and comprehension of language, but also that it produces a professional aware of the linguistic singularities of its future students.
Keywords : Libras; Curriculum; Teacher training.