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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
VEIGA, Ilma Passos Alencastro e SILVA, Edileuza Fernandes da. A multidimensionalidade da docência na educação superior. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2012, vol.12, n.35, pp.33-50. ISSN 1981-416X.
This article analyzes the organization, development and evaluation of classes in nine subjects of courses at the University of Brasilia (UnB), trying to identify innovations in the processes of teaching, learning, research and evaluating and which appoint breaks on how to deal with knowledge in the university. Analyses show how each teacher was building specific didactics in his teaching career based in the science section in the course and also on the experiences lived in their professional careers. The methodology has concentrated on the qualitative approach, having also used documental analysis, classroom observation and narrative interviews. While in class, teachers and students went beyond the idea that knowledge must break up with common sense to be scientific. Teachers start from common sense, from students’ prior knowledge and the context taking place where the object of study lies and establish relationships with other forms and types of knowledge. The perceived innovation is guided by the principles of: affection; autonomy; participation; contextualization; dialogue; dynamism; diversity; ethics; equality; integrity; playfulness; reflexivity/creativity and transience. And having as founding relationships: teacher-student; goal-evaluation; content-method; total-local knowledge; teaching and learning; teaching and research; theory and practice, movement and affection; time and space.
Palavras-chave : University Teaching; University Classroom; Specific Didactics; Scientific Field.