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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versión impresa ISSN 1518-3483versión On-line ISSN 1981-416X
OLIVEIRA, Francismara Neves de y TOSCANO, Carlos. Meanings produced by teachers and students involved on a learning support program in the state of Paraná. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2015, vol.15, n.44, pp.267-291. ISSN 1981-416X.
This work investigated the proposal of the state program of Paraná government for learning support rooms. Of qualitative character, on the modality of descriptive and interpretative, the research relied on studies of Rockweel and Speleta (1986); Moysés and Collares (1996); Lahire (1997); Aquino (1997, 1998), with the goal of understanding the work developed on those performance spaces in two public schools of Londrina PR, through the following questions: which are the meanings of students and teachers about the teaching and the learning and about the support room? What are the meanings of the room to support learning? Which meanings are present on the guiding documents of the program? In order to achieve this goal the following methodological procedures were adopted: documentary research, observation and interview. This is also the way, as the students perceive themselves on the learning process. The results include: the existence of this program signals the recognition of the problem of not learning is systemic, however, their actions are focused on providing a new opportunity for other classes only in Portuguese Language and Mathematics, perceived by students as they were identical to the regular room and not understand; Assigning blame for not learning is very dependent on the place occupied in context and so sometimes may involve the teacher or the student and / or his family.
Palabras clave : Education; School Life; Teaching and Learning; Learning Support Room; Teacher and Students Meaning.