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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
NICOLA, Rosane de Mello Santo e BEHRENS, Marilda Aparecida. Contributions of the complexity theory to pedagogical planning innovation in the higher education. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.52, pp.357-386. Epub 02-Mar-2020. ISSN 1981-416X.
The purpose of this article is to identify elements indicating an interdisciplinary stance expressed in the course syllabi produced by 18 members of a private university teaching staff during institutional continuing education workshops supported by FINEP in 2016. In such context, the professors were challenged to overcome the traditional teaching view and seek active learning methodologies to innovate their teaching practices. It is a qualitative exploratory study research that carries out a document analysis of the syllabi, based on the complexity theory (MORIN, 2000), and considers the items that form the document through analysis categories such as integration and interrelation between the parties. The analysis indicates syllabi that integrate study topics; expressive use of peer learning, problem based learning and flipped classroom; 15 syllabi with learning results that foresee interdisciplinary aspects oriented toward procedural logic in search of social functionality (vocational); 3 syllabi with learning results that propose interdisciplinary aspects oriented toward subjective logic, addressing affective and humane dimensions. The results reveal advances in the professors’ interdisciplinary stance with the proposed syllabus model. This integrating view of planning prepares the professor for an interdisciplinary approach and represents a relevant exercise of understanding the unicity and complexity of the educational project.
Palavras-chave : Complexity; University teaching; Interdisciplinarity; Pedagogical planning.