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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versión impresa ISSN 1518-3483versión On-line ISSN 1981-416X
LACERDA, Marcelo Miranda y SCHLEMMER, Eliane. Digital Literacy in an emancipatory, digital and civic perspective in the development of gamified pedagogical practices. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.58, pp.645-669. Epub 06-Feb-2020. ISSN 1981-416X.
This paper is part of a doctoral thesis entitled: “Letramento e emancipação digital cidadã: cartografias e rastros na constituição de Espaços de Convivência Híbridos e Multimodais”. (“Literacy and digital, civic emancipation: cartography and traces in the construction of Hybrid, Multimodal Interaction Spaces”). In this context, it intends to discuss elementary education students’ literacy — in an emancipatory, digital and civic perspective — in the development of pedagogical gamified practices, by means of an analysis of the “SM Real Life” game. Theoretical background is based on authors such as: Latour (2012), Freire (2002), Schlemmer (2010, 2011), Schwartz (2007), Streck and Adams (2014), and Gee (2003). The research is qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive, and makes use of the cartographic research-intervention method (SCHLEMMER, 2015, 2018). As instruments of data production, the authors used participant observation, including written record of the tracks and trails left by students in different learning spaces in which they transit. From the analysis of the tracks left by students, authors conclude that digital technologies (TD) and gamified pedagogical practices can provide inclusion, education, empowerment, as well as digital, civil emancipation to citizens, who effectively make use of TD’s transforming and emancipatory power; in addition, these practices enable the creation of new learning situations and spaces.
Palabras clave : Digital Literacy and Emancipation; Gamified Practices; Digital Technologies.