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vol.19 número61A documentação da Câmara dos Deputados: fonte para a história da instrução no Império (1826-1834) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Diálogo Educacional

versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X


MOMBASSA, Aires Bonifacio  e  ARRUDA, Eucidio Pimenta. Distance education in Mozambique: perspectives for inclusion of the population in higher education. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2019, vol.19, n.61, pp.899-919.  Epub 31-Jan-2020. ISSN 1981-416X.

This article aims to discuss the perspectives of social, economic and educational inclusion that Distance Education (EAD) presents to Mozambique, with a view to providing, in the short term, the possibility of expanding the average age of training of the Mozambican population at primary education, secondary education and higher education. The methodology used was based on a bibliographical survey about conceptual authors in EaD, statistical data and public policies of Mozambique, as well as authors from the country who have studied this subject in recent years. It is observed that Mozambique today has high rates of illiteracy (close to 50%) and a low level of education at the middle and higher levels (respectively about 13% and less than 1%). In order to reduce distances in times and formative spaces and to provide the country with a faster growth of training levels, we understand that the EAD modality would be the most adequate to meet the demands and challenges facing the country today. It is all the more pertinent when it is observed that EaD has grown significantly in the country, but still reaches a relatively low number of students, especially in higher education, therefore, a form of training that is challenging and at the same time capable to provide a major educational and inclusive leap in Mozambique.

Palavras-chave : Educational Inclusion; Distance Education; Public Policies; Mozambique.

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