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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versión impresa ISSN 1518-3483versión On-line ISSN 1981-416X
FALCAO, Gabriela Lins y SUASSUNA, Livia. Teaching and researching in basic education: the investigative activity as a training path for Portuguese teachers. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.64, pp.201-226. Epub 22-Abr-2020. ISSN 1981-416X.
With the present article, we aim to contribute to the discussion about the development of research by the Portuguese teacher in the scope of Brazilian basic education. Based on the notion of teacher as a researcher and the analysis of the legal dispositions that normalize the teaching profession in Brazil, the subject is treated based on the articulation of studies developed in the areas of teacher training (ANDRÉ, 2001; CONTRERAS, 2002; DINIZ-PEREIRA e ZEICHNER, 2011; IMBERNON, 2016; GATTI, 2017; LÜDKE, 2001 E 2002; PIMENTA, 2012; TARDIF e MOSCOSO, 2018) and language teaching (ANTUNES, 2003 e 2007; DORNELLA, 2007; GERALDI, 1996, 1997 e 2018; ILARI, 1997; PIETRI, 2003; SOARES, 2001). The findings of this research indicate advances in the approach to the subject in different fields of study and official regulations, but highlight the obstacles to the implementation of proposals of this nature, in view of the necessary effectiveness of the improvements foreseen in the working conditions of the teacher researcher at this level of education. On the other hand, they reaffirm the practice of research as a possible way for the reconfiguration of teaching work, regarding issues related to the autonomy of this professional and their recognition as a producer of knowledge, as well as their potential to contribute to the construction of teaching practices innovative, in line with the most current language studies.
Palabras clave : Research teacher; Teacher training; Portuguese Teaching.