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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
VEIGA, Ilma Passos Alencastro e SILVA, Edileuza Fernandes. Teaching in higher education: problematizing and technoscientific. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.65, pp.580-607. Epub 27-Jul-2020. ISSN 1981-416X.
This article aims to understand how two teachers build teaching in Medicine and Civil Engineering courses at a higher education institution in the Federal District. It is assumed that the teaching activity can reinforce or deconstruct the dichotomy between technical and professional training and training for critical exercise, conscious and committed to society and its demands. The question is: a) to what extent does the class constitute space-time for the collective construction of knowledge?; b) how do teachers build formative processes from the problematization and articulation between scientific theory and technology as the production of subjects?; c) what elements characterize the problematic teaching and humanistic technoscientific? The qualitative approach guided the study, being the data collected from the National Curriculum Guidelines of the Courses (CNE / CES, nº 03, 2014 and BRASIL, CNE / CES, nº 04, 2002), from the pedagogical projects of the courses, from observations of classes and questionnaires applied to characterize the participants. The analysis shows that: a) personal, academic and professional experiences of teachers contribute to the constitution of teaching; b) participatory didactic processes of teaching, learning and research with the role of students favor the treatment of knowledge through problematization and the articulation between science, technique and humanistic training; c) teaching activities are based on the construction of knowledge through participatory methodologies and; d) teaching is based on dialogue, contextualization and collective construction of content, differentiated arrangements for the class space-time, teacher-student relationship and teacher knowledge without disregarding students' knowledge and experiences.
Palavras-chave : College education; Teaching; Problematizing; Technoscientific.