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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
BEHRENS, Marilda Aparecida e TORRES, Patrícia Lupion. Transforming dialogic education combined with the vision of complexity: the experience of open schooling in Project CONNECT. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.72, pp.9-33. Epub 19-Set-2022. ISSN 1981-416X.
This paper was borne around Project CONNECT, which is based on the concepts of Open Schooling, Open Education, Open Educational Resources and Practices (OER and OEP), and Creative School. These innovative topics in participatory qualitative research are grounded in Edgar Morin's conceptions of the vision of complexity and in Paulo Freire's dialogical education to epistemologically support the formative processes of open schooling in Project CONNECT. Open schooling and the application of OER and OEP in creative schools support educational processes for a form of citizenship that is oriented toward planetary consciousness. At this phase of Project Connect, the research problem was: How to use OER to encourage students to act as scientists in the wake of local and global issues surrounding COVID-19, mediated by a co-creation process with teachers/researchers, for the purpose of stimulating the production of knowledge? The general objective was to elaborate OER in a co-creation process in a research group to support teachers in encouraging students to exercise the role of scientists in emerging issues such as COVID-19. The results showed that the teachers and students of the two schools involved in the participatory educational process were able to reflect, problematize, and develop projects and make use of the collaborative construction of OER with topics related to scientific knowledge, in this case, COVID-19. In this way, the participants could begin to become aware of their social responsibility as active citizens in the care and preservation of life and the planet.
Palavras-chave : Complexity; Teacher education; Education quality; Dialogical education.