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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
ROSSI, Jean Pablo Guimarães e MAIO, Eliane Rose. Victor of Aveyron: A study about the film “The wild child” in the light of historical-cultural perspective. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.72, pp.268-286. Epub 19-Set-2022. ISSN 1981-416X.
In this study, we have the main objective to discuss the subject's humanization process, through the story of Victor of Aveyron, the main character in the film The wild boy. The story is based on real events and tells the task undertaken by Dr. Jean Itard in the attempt to educate the wild boy, known for having survived during his first 11/12 years of life amid the forests of the south of France and away from human coexistence. For that, we anchored ourselves on the assumptions of Historical-Cultural Theory (THC) and during the analysis process, we used the film work to discuss how the boy Victor's education process was. The analyzes showed that the social isolation, experienced by the character, hindered the development of proper human characteristics and showed how Dr. Itard's pedagogical actions were relevant and, at the same time, had no success with the boy.
Palavras-chave : Victor of Aveyron; Cultural Historic; Humanization.