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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
HONORATO, Tony; PEDRAO, Fernanda Cristina de Souza e IVASHITA, Simone Burioli. The structuring of the teaching profession in the province of Paraná (1854-1870). Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.73, pp.649-672. Epub 17-Dez-2022. ISSN 1981-416X.
The objective is to characterize elements of the structuring of the teaching profession in the province of Paraná, according to publications in the newspaper Dezenove de Dezembro (1854-1870). The territory of Paraná, being the Fifth District of Curitiba, belonged to the province of São Paulo, and on December 19, 1853, its dismemberment was made official, emancipating itself as the province of Paraná. In search of the utopian progress and development of society, the provincial government of Paraná saw public instruction as a way to educate and civilize the population. At that time the teaching profession was elevated as a fundamental agency for such a mission. Faced with this scenario, it became essential to study the structuring of the teaching profession in the new province of Paraná. For that, it chose as a source of historical research the newspaper Dezenove de Dezembro, which was a vehicle of the press published during the entire provincial period of Paraná. As a methodological foundation, we consider the guidelines on the possibilities and limits of the press as a source for writing history (LUCA, 2005; CRUZ & PEIXOTO, 2007) and the history of education (CARVALHO, 2007; PINTO, 2017). As a result, the newspaper made it possible to understand the structuring of the teaching profession in Paraná through competitions, retirements, contracts, salaries, educational institutions and social values linked to the condition of being a teacher in the 19th century.
Palavras-chave : Teaching profession; Paraná Province; Public Instruction; Press; Dezenove de Dezembro.