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Revista Diálogo Educacional
versão impressa ISSN 1518-3483versão On-line ISSN 1981-416X
BEHRENS, Marilda Aparecida e PRIGOL, Edna Liz. Online teacher training: paradigm shift in teaching. Rev. Diálogo Educ. [online]. 2023, vol.23, n.78, pp.996-1013. Epub 04-Out-2023. ISSN 1981-416X.
The urgent and necessary paradigm shift in teaching action led the PEFOP network to investigate the epistemological and methodological contributions of Paulo Freire's and Edgar Morin's theories, as relevant theoretical subsidies to support the renewal of the vision of education and the reconstruction of teachers' pedagogical practice. As a problem, it was chosen: how to carry out a process of co-creation of networked researchers, Brazilians and Portuguese, via digital and face-to-face, that allows deepening and surveying the relevance of the epistemological and methodological proposition of knowledge and constructs of complexity theory and education criticism to subsidize the online training of basic education teachers in the search for new paradigmatic paths in teaching? The aim was to identify, together with the Luso-Brazilian basic education teachers involved in the research, whether online pedagogical continuing education, offered by professionals from the PEFOP research network, generated possibilities for creating pedagogical paths for teaching that embraces a conception epistemological. The research methodology was characterized by a qualitative approach, of the action-research type, with procedures via netnography. The online teaching course offered to teachers, both Portuguese and Brazilian, made it possible to identify that, based on the studies carried out during the course, the participants expressed that they are aware of the change in teaching attitude towards learning and teaching to produce knowledge, through Morinian and Freirian foundations.
Palavras-chave : Teacher education; Paradigmatic shift; Complex thinking; Critical education..