Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica
On-line version ISSN 1981-5271
ESKENAZI, Ednalva de Sousa; MARTINS, Milton de Arruda and FERREIRA JUNIOR, Mario. Tele-educação e monitoria ativa no ensino da saúde bucal a estudantes de medicina. Rev. Bras. Educ. Med. [online]. 2013, vol.37, n.02, pp.235-244. ISSN 1981-5271.
Objectives: To verify the baseline level of knowledge among medical students in the fifth year of the degree course regarding the practice of oral health and to measure the increase in knowledge and counseling skills after training. Method: 148 students, divided into 4 groups - 2007-A (control group), 2007-B, 2008-A and 2008-B - received progressive training interventions, face to face (2007) and online (2008). The 2008-B group also had active contact with a specialist in oral health. Increases in kn owledge were measured by written assessments applied before and after the respective intervention, and counseling skills were assessed through the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Results: 91% of the students found their baseline knowledge of oral health promotion insufficient. The growth in knowledge of groups 2008-A and 2008-B was significant when compared to the control group. The 2008-B group also demonstrated an increased ability to provide advice on oral health. Conclusion: the information obtained in this study may be useful for developing strategies for interdisciplinary teaching in complementary areas of medical training.
Keywords : Health Promotion; Oral Health; Medical Education; Distance Education.