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vol.19 issue32Descentralização e políticas públicas: o público e o privado na educaçãoAlgumas considerações sobre as normas do processo de licitação pública, contratos e convênios no estabelecimento de parcerias educacionais entre a administração pública e a esfera privada author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

On-line version ISSN 1981-8106


SILVA, Inajara Iana  and  PINHEIRO, Denise. Sistema de gestão integrado: a implantação de uma parceria no município de São José dos Campos. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2009, vol.19, n.32, pp.127-140. ISSN 1981-8106.

The paper intends to describe and analyze the implementation of the partnership that was signed between the Municipal Secretariat of Education of São Jose dos Campos and Embraer Institute of Education and Research, under consultancy of Pitágoras Foundation with the goal to install a model of corporate management in network of municipal education. Thus, it was used data on enrollment, official documents and interviews conducted in 2008 with representatives of the Embraer Institute, Pitágoras Foundation and the Municipal Department of Education. The article shows that adherence to the corporate management model named Integrated Management System (SGI) wasn´t the need, but the offer of the Embraer. Also we note that the partnership can´t guarantee the promised public education of “quality”, in mind as organizes the educational business system as the SGI, may influence the responsibility of schools to develop and implement its pedagogical proposal, damaging school´s pedagogical autonomy.

Keywords : Partnerships; Public and Private; School Management.

        · abstract in Portuguese     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )