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vol.21 issue38A organização do trabalho escolar em foco: os limites das heranças anti- democráticas e as potencialidades dos processos participativosLa organización del trabajo en la escuela en el contexto posterior a la década neoliberal author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

On-line version ISSN 1981-8106


SOUZA, Silvana Aparecida de. Gestão democrática e arquitetura da escola. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.38, pp.168-185. ISSN 1981-8106.

It is a conceptual and theoretical research on school organization and its democratization, focusing on one aspect of an objective nature: its architecture. The study was based on the academic literature on democratization and theoretical contribution of Michel Foucault, with regard to the analysis of space as a resource control, surveillance and training, going through a historical review of the model construction of school buildings in Brazil. It is therefore a sociological analysis of the school environment, in relation to the democratization process of basic education, understood as ensuring that the conditions of access and permanence to a universal quality education, and conceived and gestated from collective interests of its users. We conclude that the architecture of public schools in Brazil do not provides democratic management, either by format controller of buildings constructed in the republican period, either by the current economic priority for the construction of public school buildings, which includes little or no space for collective activities. The character of the buildings remains controller, no more for its architecture, but made possible by technological development, which allows monitoring by video cameras, which is made with the permission and support of community.

Keywords : School Organization; Democratic Management; Architecture School; Quality of Education.

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