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Educação: Teoria e Prática
versão On-line ISSN 1981-8106
MISURACA, María Rosa. La organización del trabajo en la escuela en el contexto posterior a la década neoliberal. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.38, pp.186-200. ISSN 1981-8106.
Organization of work at the school began to be heavily affected for more than two decades by the educational reforms. The reforms of the ´90 installed a technocratic imprint of control of the contents and the task of teaching through the paradigm of "accountability" and decertification of the task of teaching. Some of these measures remain in force in a qualitatively different political context, characterized by the recovery of the role of the State in the social sphere. We highlight two of these continuities: on the one hand, the assessments of quality of education at different levels (International, national or local) with measurable standards. On the other hand, work in the school through projects and programmes to end, through flexible forms of work: recruitment, mentoring, and unregistered work. Both events had been accompanying the exclusion of large segments of the public school and the simultaneous development of various forms of privatization. In this paper we will refer to some aspects which, having seriously affected the Organization of school work during the ´90, still survive despite the redefinition of the role of the State in social policy.
Palavras-chave : Organization of School Work; Educational Reforms; Social Policy.