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vol.22 issue41Educação e fotografia: uma análise quantitativa do projeto “olhar socioambiental”Problematização do tempo na escola author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

On-line version ISSN 1981-8106


SANTOS, Tiago Ribeiro; GERMANO, Ana Paula  and  CERVI, Gicele Maria. As imagens do “natural”: uma análise da dominação masculina nos livros didáticos de ciências. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2012, vol.22, n.41, pp.81-100. ISSN 1981-8106.

This article is an analysis of images in the three science schoolbooks in the light of the concept of male domination developed by Pierre Bourdieu. It starts from the assumption that schoolbook, as a legitimate means to disseminate knowledge in the school environment, when the images contain predominantly male, inculcates and reproduces the arbitrariness that this kind of domination imposes. To this end, the article begins by relating the school institution with the schoolbook, also senses that this relationship supposedly yields. Following are analyzed two categories of images, namely, an atlas of the human body and physical activity that has as its main body and females. Following are analyzed two categories of images, namely, of atlas of the human body and physical activity that has the male and female body as it main element. Therefore, taking as an element to discuss the characteristics that the images show, within the logic of symbolic domination male, is demonstrated in the materiality of these forms so that the symbolic features. The final considerations point to a questioning of the textbook as a tool for concept formation and schooled subjectivities.

Keywords : Schoolbook; Male Domination; Symbolic Power.

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