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vol.23 issue42O cenário global e as implicações para a formação continuada de professoresO processo de reelaboração do fazer pedagógico de uma professora de inglês: construindo um ensino que faz sentido author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

On-line version ISSN 1981-8106


RODRIGUES, Jéssica do Nascimento; OLIVEIRA, Aline Lima  and  QUEIROZ, Edileuza Dias. Universidade e formação de educadores ambientais críticos. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2013, vol.23, n.42, pp.90-105. ISSN 1981-8106.

As a result of concluded researches, it was discussed about the Formation of Environmental Educators in the critical boarding, understanding it as a mechanism to overcome the model of prevailing society. With the severity of social and environmental problems, conservative discourses and practices were naturalized inside and outside of school. Policies for formation of educators appear without critical absorption, limited to romanticized, behavioral and technicist experiences. However, it is understood to be possible to infiltrate, through the existent gaps, an emancipatory, critical and transforming Environmental Education to question and fight for quality of life and environmental justice. Based in authors of this field, in this article, it was intended to reflect about the formation of environmental educators and the incorporation of this critical dimension in the University. However an important social space for reflection, formation and dissemination of new knowledges about education, the University introduces the environmental dimension reduciously in the degrees.

Keywords : Formation of Educators; Environmental Education; University.

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