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vol.25 issue50The Opacity in the Relations between the Private sector and Public education of Mato Grosso State (Brazil)The ‘Jovem de Futuro’ Project: a Technology Of The Unibanco Institute for the anagement of Public High Schools author indexsubject indexarticles search
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Educação: Teoria e Prática

On-line version ISSN 1981-8106


PERONI, Vera Maria  and  CAETANO, Maria Raquel. Relations between public and private education: the Youth Project of Instituto Unibanco Future. Educ. Teoria Prática [online]. 2015, vol.25, n.50, pp.520-533. ISSN 1981-8106.

This work is part of research Partnerships between public systems and social sector organizations: Brazil, Argentina, Portugal and England implications for the democratization of education, carried out by the Research Group Relations between the Public and the Private in Education Program of Graduate Studies in Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. At this stage of research, the group focuses on the content of the proposal, that is, as the commercial private logic is being inserted in the public system and also how is the influence of national and global networks in the Brazilian educational policy of basic education, from the perspective Thompson (1981) that are subjects and relationships with professional goals. Thus, in this text, priority will be given to these two aspects - subject and content of the proposal - the analysis of the Future Youth Project, linked to the Unibanco Institute.

Keywords : Public-Private Partnerships; Education; Unibanco Institute.

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