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vol.22 número67PERCEPCIONES DE TRABAJO Y FORMACIÓN: tesituras de qué-hacer con la cultura de pazLAS CULTURAS QUILOMBOLAS INVISIBLES EN EL CURRÍCULO DE EDUCACIÓN DEL MAESTRO: caminos en Freire para la humanización índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


ALMEIDA, Leandro de  y  ROMANOSWSKI, Joana Paulin. A LOOK AT EDUCATION IN THE FIELD: the political pedagogical project of the state school professor João Florentino da Silva Neto, in the city of Cáceres-MT. Revista Teias [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.67, pp.246-261.  Epub 14-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

This study aimed to analyze the reflexes and contributions of the Pedagogical Political Project in rural education, analyzing to what extent it has helped to reinforce the identity of its students as subjects in the rural area. It is a bibliographic research that, in the context of Rural Education, a small approach was made about the multiseriate class and the construction of Identities. In this sense, it was the Pedagogical Political Project based on the theoretical understanding of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in the Field - DOEBC, which points out the need to enhance the rural, cultural and worker identity of students in the field through Pedagogical Political Projects with curricular contents and methodologies appropriate to the real needs of these students. To this end, a reading of the PPP of the State School Professor Joao Florentino da Silva Neto was traced, in the city of Cáceres-MT, as an affirmative parameter of a proposal for rural education.

Palabras clave : rural education; pedagogical political project; multi-grade class.

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