Revista Teias
Print version ISSN 1518-5370On-line version ISSN 1982-0305
FELDMANN, Marina Graziela and LIBORIO, Andréia Regina Silva Cabral. QUILOMBOLAS CULTURES INVISIBLE IN THE TEACHER EDUCATION CURRICULUM: paths in Freire for humanization. Revista Teias [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.67, pp.262-276. Epub Feb 14, 2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article considers the invisibility of certain cultures in the curricula, especially communities quilombolas, as well as the importance of these being recognized, welcomed and valued within educational institutions, from public policies to curricula and educational practices. Its main objective is to understand the contributions of Paulo Freire to the process of humanization of subjects and cultures invisible in the curricula, specifically that of quilombola peoples. The methodology is based on the qualitative approach and the analysis based on the theoretical framework and selected legislation / documents. With the contributions of Freire (1981, 1987, 1997); García (1999); Feldmann (2009); Chiavenato (2012); Arroyo (2013), Santomé (2013); Chizotti (2014); Silva (2016) among others. The results: reveal the need for understanding and a more sensitive view of the erasure, absence or silencing of certain cultures, in school curricula and teacher training to the detriment of a dominant and hegemonic culture and, based on Freire's contributions, It is felt that the path towards the humanization of these cultures, mediated by a critical and emancipatory pedagogy for liberation and “anti-marginalization”, needs to start from “being for oneself” with regard to their own histories and their concrete realities, in order to recognize themselves and welcome their specificities and cultural diversity, as well as the search for “being more” through their voices and relationships with the world. Furthermore, visibility and knowledge about the quilombola peoples/communities that contributed and contribute to the constitution of Brazilian society are necessary.
Keywords : invisible cultures; curriculum; communities quilombolas; humanization; Paulo Freire.