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vol.22 númeroESPECIALCURRÍCULOS EN LA COMPRENSIÓN DE LA EDUCACIÓN COMO DERECHO HUMANO: dignidad y ciudadanía en la reflexión curricularPERSPECTIVAS CURRICULARES SOBRE GÉNERO Y SEXUALIDAD EN LA ENSEÑANZA DE CIENCIAS Y BIOLOGÍA: ¿controversias en PCN y BNCC? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


KRENAK, Edson Dorneles de Andrade; LOPES, Danielle Bastos  y  PEIXOTO, Leonardo Ferreira. "WITH WHOSE BLOOD WERE MY EYES MADE?" Talking with Edson Krenak about indigenous methodologies and literatures. Revista Teias [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.especial, pp.11-27.  Epub 18-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

This paper aims to sound the conversation between Danielle Bastos Lopes and Edson Krenak, available on the YouTube channel: Decolonizing Education (Educação Descolonizadora), made in October 2020. In the first part, Bastos Lopes narrates Krenak's biographical aspects, his indigenous ancestry and his search for identity. The second, is the transcript of the conversation made between both. Finally, Leonardo Ferreira Peixoto highlights four points that most mobilized him in his experience with "reading the conversation": the (un)learning of indigenous knowledge and whiteness; indigenous methodologies and their epistemological, axiological and ontological dimensions; indigenous literature and the non-fragmentation between religion, science and art; and the idea defended by Krenak that all indigenous literature is a classic. We hope that this paper can broaden indigenous knowledge, based on the learnings woven in the interlocution between the three teacher-authors.

Palabras clave : indigenous methodologies; indigenous literatures; indigenous epistemologies.

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