Revista Teias
Print version ISSN 1518-5370On-line version ISSN 1982-0305
BARONI, Patrícia and SANTOS, Ruthianne Barbosa Pereira dos. DIGNITY AND CITIZENSHIP WOVEN INTO THE "WE SHARED": learning from black women. Revista Teias [online]. 2021, vol.22, n.especial, pp.48-60. Epub Feb 18, 2023. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article aims to present the narratives of three black and peripheral women and their daily tactics in search of dignity, starting from the premise that the Brazilian legal repertoire and government actions do not ensure the minimum for the dignified life of these women. When accessing these narratives, a set of memories, self-readings, are triggered, thus weaving a “shared knot” that encompasses confrontations, cunning, everyday survival. The methodological choice for the narrative research allowed the approximation of women and with them to live in a unique way the ways they felt with their experiences, with their achievements, their desires, their pains, joys, their skins. The conversations were carried out remotely, through video calls, resources made possible by the COVID-19 pandemic. The concepts of Structural Racism, Ecology of Knowledge, Southern Epistemologies, Coloniality and Scripturalism are addressed and discussed in this space as a debate by women in research in their experiences. The possibility of opening yet another space for debates and discussions, reflections and self-reflections compose the conclusions of this article, which aims to awaken multiple meanings in readers at the end of this tour full of paragraphs and stories.
Keywords : narratives; structural racism; dignity; we shared.