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vol.23 número68(IN)DISCIPLINA Y VISIBILIDAD: consideraciones sobre tensiones y ambigüedades en la escuelaLA CONSTITUCIÓN DE LA FLEXIBILIDAD COMO ESTRATEGIA POLÍTICA EN LA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA BRASILEÑA índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


RAMOA, Hosana do Nascimento. FOR A DEMOCRATIC EDUCATION: elaborating an analysis of the “Programa Escola sem Partido" based on Paulo Freire’s thought. Revista Teias [online]. 2022, vol.23, n.68, pp.193-206.  Epub 13-Feb-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

This article has the objective to connect Paulo Freire's thought to the current concern about the feasibility of the composition to a possible Democratic Education. We started from a critical analysis of conservative positioning, based on the “Programa Escola sem Partido", to draw an understanding of their proposals for education. Next, we specify elements to the composition of an amalgam between Democracy and Education, to coin a vision, together with Freire, of a Democratic Education that responds consistently to the longings of the educational exercise, in the face of gross visions of the role of the school and teachers. Guiding our discussion, we ask, would democracy be a possible and realizable orientation inside and outside the school space, face of conservative education propositions? Based on our investigation, we infer that the possibility of a Democratic Education walks together the questioning of reality and the denaturalization of social relations, seeking a critical, dialogic and full citizenship.

Palabras clave : democratic education; escola sem partido; conservatism; paulo freire.

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