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vol.24 número75A PESAR DE LA SOMBRA DE LA VIGILANCIA, UNA ESCUELAPLAN DE ESTUDIOS, DIFERENCIA Y EDUCACIÓN INFANTIL: los niños negros importan índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Teias

versión impresa ISSN 1518-5370versión On-line ISSN 1982-0305


AVILA, Dina Maria Vital  y  MESQUITA, Marcos Ribeiro. THE CHILDHOOD STORIES TOLD BY A TEACHER: dissident genders and sexualities at school. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.75, pp.28-41.  Epub 26-Dic-2023. ISSN 1982-0305.

The article seeks to discuss how the structure of the school’s curriculum impacts the constitution of dissident childhood from the norm of genders and sexualities. For this research, it was provided writings from a notebook in which was named school daily memories diary. These writings represent fundamental materials that deal with the childhood forms of resistance when confronting the dissident curricula norms. The research seeks to interpret the functioning of the academic year through the lens of an elementary and middle school teacher. The research’s main goal is to discuss the curriculum based on the presence of childhood that deviates from the norm of genders and sexualities. This discussion is based on post-critical theory and methodology in education and curriculum, in which understand the constitution of bodies as an effect of discursive practices and power relations. The study observed that in the face of strategies forged by the power of the norm, childhood creates escape movements in favor of a more diverse, free and inclusive curriculum. Acting in defense of the right to life as a way of surviving in this structure. Furthermore, it was also observed that besides in recent years the school has been the target of ultra-conservative attacks, this institution has become politicized, in a way to expand and be more open to perspectives of genders and sexualities.

Palabras clave : curriculum; genders and sexualities; childhoods..

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