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Revista Teias
versão impressa ISSN 1518-5370versão On-line ISSN 1982-0305
PEREIRA, Angela Monteiro e LOPES, Jader Janer Moreira. IN MEMORY WHEELS: the africanities in childhood. Revista Teias [online]. 2023, vol.24, n.esp, pp.152-165. Epub 22-Nov-2024. ISSN 1982-0305.
This article is the result of one of the many conversation's wheels that make up the master's degree dissertation: Wheels and bonfires at the foot of great rocks - where listening precedes speech: an exercise in listening to multiple West African oral traditions. Conversations's wheels that brought together several voices around ancestral bonfires and Ancient Rocks, and that gradually led us to understand how orality and the role of masters of oral traditions are present in the constitution of human beings and societies. They accepted our invitation, voices of old and young Africa, voices of some of the traditional black civilizations of West Africa, more specifically, of the Sudano-Sahelian region. The dissertation dialogued with some works by the African philosopher Amadou Hampâté Bâ and other African authors, as well as with the djeli Sotigui Kouyaté and other djeli and storytellers from the Manden tradition. Finally, meetings with Africans from the SudanoSahelian region - students, teachers and storytellers - ended up outlining the relevance of oral transmission, traditional masters and traditional training spaces today. As a result of an expanded listening guided by African protagonism, this article is configured in a great meeting - a conversation circle that unfolds from other circles - and is based on the narratives of my contemporary African interlocutors.
Palavras-chave : traditions and oral societies; ancestral memory; traditional education; oralized childhoods..