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Educação e Filosofia
versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596x
ALVES, Antônio José Lopes. Alienation, estrangement and human universality in the marxian’s critical of political economy 1857-1867. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.61, pp.45-82. ISSN 1982-596x.
This article is the subject of examination the conceptual status of categories Entäusserung (alienation) and Entfremfung (estrangement), as they appear integrated into the Marxian Critique of Political Economy in its mature phase. In addition to this strictly categorical discussion, search is also tack how the conceptual complex in question allow Marx approach, at a time when advances in critical understanding of the theme of classical economics, as well as the effectiveness of capital’s mode of production, one set of problems re lating to the production of wealth of the universal process in the capital of fashion.Thus, will be analyzed the texts of the Grundrisse, the Manuscripts of 1861-1863 and The Capital - Chapter VI “inedit”. Through textual approach to subsidies provided by these writings, it tries also consider continuities and changes in relation to the Marxian analysis of political economy in the years 1844-1848.
Palavras-chave : Marxian Critique of Political Economy; Estrangement; Alienation; Capital; Human Universality.