Educação e Filosofia
Print version ISSN 0102-6801On-line version ISSN 1982-596x
SCHNORR, Samuel Molina; RODRIGUES, Carla Gonçalves and SCHWANTZ, Josimara Wikboldt. Philosophies of difference and teacher training experimentation with escrileitura’s workshop. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2017, vol.31, n.61, pp.369-384. ISSN 1982-596x.
In the web between philosophies of difference and teacher training, edu cational interventions called workshops of escrileituras are produced. By offering these spaces and through various languages, the aim is to bring discussion about today’s ways of life, through philosophical and artistic practices, as a condition of learn, of deconstruction and reconstruction of itself, with the intention of crea te and produce the unprecedented. Therefore was executed Conatus workshop, a workspace where it was possible to carry out experimentation and fomentation of different kinds of art, knowledge and learning, having the development of radio novels as a final product. In the set of philosophical and artistic devices used, it was proposed possibilities of productions considered unique, that potentiate tea cher life. It was offered procedures for teacher training in the promotion of posi tive meetings, as well as in the potentialization of thoughts, in the disruption of ready ideas and hardened structures.
Keywords : Education; Philosophies of Difference; Teacher Training; Workshops of Escrileituras.