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Educação e Filosofia
versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596X
VANZUITA, Alexandre e GARANHANI, Marynelma Camargo. The mestizo philosophy of Michel Serres: relationships between the body, knowledge and education. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2018, vol.32, n.66, pp.1051-1073. Epub 22-Set-2020. ISSN 1982-596X.
This article born of the need for systematize of a discussion in the Seminar on Studies: “Michel Serres: relationships between the body, knowledge and education”, performed on as part of the Postgraduation Program in Education of the UFPR. A course conclusion requirement of the postdoctorate practical training placement in Education, in the year 2017. For this, an effort was made to interpret in the three works of Michel Serres, in reference of the relationships between the body, knowledge and education, being that the comparatist method, this author, causes the communication between the concepts announced in a mixed, blended, intermingled way, according to the language Serres uses. In summary, Michel Serres to consider the body as support for knowledge and invention. And knowledge that occurs in the education as intermingled.
Palavras-chave : Michel Serres; Body; Knowledge; Education; Intermingled.