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Educação e Filosofia
versão impressa ISSN 0102-6801versão On-line ISSN 1982-596X
BOVETO, Lais e OLIVEIRA, Terezinha. Potentiality in the philosophy of ancient and medieval education. Educação e Filosofia [online]. 2021, vol.35, n.74, pp.779-811. Epub 15-Jan-2024. ISSN 1982-596X.
The text addresses the potentiality, in the philosophy of ancient and medieval education, as the ability to improve reason. The notion of paideia guides this reflection since it pervades educational thought from classical antiquity to the low Middle Ages. This continuity explains the tradition of the integral formation of man which considered the moral and political aspects as an inseparable totality. The theoretical approach follows Braudel’s conception of Social History since the focus is on understanding the theological and philosophical heritage, which expresses the fundamentals of education. To reflect on this legacy of knowledge, three periods were studied: the Greek paideia in the Aristotelian and Platonic perspective; patristic, through the understanding of Clement of Alexandria and Augustine of Hippo; and scholasticism, analysed in the conceptions of Hugh of Saint Victor and Thomas Aquinas. Thus, there is a continuing understanding in the authors presented that the improvement of reason meant the actualization of man's essential potency: reason. The main purpose of education was the formation of the conscience of each person, as it was understood that this was the main means for the success of life in common.
Palavras-chave : Philosophy of education; Potentiality; Paideia; Patristic; Scholastic.