Cadernos de História da Educação
Print version ISSN 1982-7806On-line version ISSN 1982-7806
ALMEIDA, Dóris Bittencourt and GRAZZIOTIN, Luciane Sgarbi S.. Memories of schools in jewish agricultural colonies in Rio Grande do Sul: verbal narratives from the archive of Marc Chagall Cultural Institute (1904-1930). Cad. Hist. Educ. [online]. 2016, vol.15, n.3, pp.1031-1054. ISSN 1982-7806.
This research is situated in the History of Education field, in its interfaces with discussions concerning the constitution of Archives, Memory and Oral History. As research documents, we chose narratives of memory carrying information that enable a better understanding of Jewish people stories, covering the Jewish process of emigration from Europe until the arrival to Brazil, as immigrants - our focus is on education. The study aims at investigating some aspects concerning the schooling processes of the first Jewish immigrants, who were part of the azhenazim community and established residence in agricultural colonies in RS, especially in Phillippson and Quatro Irmãos, between 1904 until the end of the decade of 1930. By means of the narratives of memory of some individuals that spent their childhood in those communities, this research seeks to rebuild a history of the first schools in this location on a specific period of time. In order to understand the education of the Jews living in the agricultural colonies, it was necessary to breach with the modern paradigm, which privileges the great narratives as icons of the past, and is supported by written documentation. It was necessary to value the anonymous individual, in a broad context of the history of each life ever registered in an oral memory archive. With this purpose in mind, we rely on discussions concerning Oral History as methodology (AMADO and FERREIRA, 2002) and in the studies of memory as historical document (BOSI, 1987), (ERRANTE, 2000). The narratives give visibility to elements such as the meaning of school for the Jewish people, the difficulties of access and transportation to the school, the presence of non-Jewish children in the school and, mainly, the role of the Jewish Colonization Association, known in Brazil as ICA, and its decisive role in the support to the schooling processes of the Jewish immigrants.
Keywords : History of Education; Oral History; Jewish Education; Memory.